The patented Cramer Fish Sciences Sampling Platform is an integrated aquatic species and habitat sampling system that can effectively sample fish and invertebrates and reveal habitat associations while having minimal or no “take” of sensitive species. It can sample open water, shallow water, and complex habitats beyond the reach of traditional methods like trawls and seines. This is possible because of its unique design.
The Sampling Platform’s mouth extends in front while the net passes underneath the boat toward the back. Water and fish move between the pontoons safely past twin outboards. The mouth of the trawl net can be hydraulically extended, raised, or lowered depending on conditions, while wheels mounted on the bottom of the rigid net frame allow the mouth of the net to skim close to the bottom without snagging rocks or soft substrates. This allows the Sampling Platform to work closely along shallow shorelines, through or over macrophytes, and move more quickly through the water than trawls or seines. It can overtake and capture even fast-swimming fishes. In the live well, a video system monitors catch, and fish can be processed manually or released through an operable exit with no handling.
Aquatic habitats important to sensitive fishes are diverse and complex. The Sampling Platform makes it possible to sample more effectively for more species and life stages in more diverse habitats than any other single methodology or combination of methodologies can.