Senior Fluvial Geomorphologist
B.S. Environmental Engineering; M.S. Hydrologic Sciences; Ph.D. Hydrologic Sciences
Phone: (916) 250-2022
West Sacramento, California
Senior Fluvial Geomorphologist
B.S. Environmental Engineering; M.S. Hydrologic Sciences; Ph.D. Hydrologic Sciences
Phone: (916) 250-2022
West Sacramento, California
Rocko is the Senior Fluvial Geomorphologist at CFS and is responsible for leading studies and analyses of hydrologic and geomorphic processes that shape fish habitat. Rocko has more than 17 years of experience analyzing hydrology, hydraulics, and sediment transport associated with projects that restored fish habitat, aided flood control, modified hydrology, removed dams, and stabilized stream banks, and he is skilled in a wide range of field methods and analytical tools employed in leading studies of fluvial geomorphology. These include surveying; remote sensing; 2D modeling of flow, sediment, and habitat; GIS analysis; hyporheic exchange; steam habitat design; and fish passage assessments.
Selected Publications
Harrison, L. R., E. Bray, B. Overstreet, C. J. Legleiter, R. A. Brown, J. E. Merz, R. M. Bond, C. L. Nicol, and T. Dunne. 2019. Physical controls on salmon redd site selection in restored reaches of a regulated, gravel-bed river. Water Resources Research 55.
Brown R. A., and G. B. Pasternack. 2019. How to build a digital river. Earth Science Reviews. In review.
Harrison L. R., E. Bray, B. Overstreet, C. Legleiter, R. A. Brown, J. E. Merz, R. M. Bond, C. L. Nicol, and T. Dunne. 2019. Large-scale restoration of salmon spawning habitat in a regulated, gravel-bedded river. Water Resources Research. In review.
Pasternack, G.B., D. Baig, M. D. Weber, and R. A. Brown. 2018. Hierarchically nested river landform sequences. Part 1: Theory. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43(12):2510-2518.
Pasternack, G. B., D. Baig, M. D. Weber, and R. A. Brown. 2018. Hierarchically nested river landform sequences. Part 2: Bankfull channel morphodynamics governed by valley nesting structure. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43(12):2519-2532.
Brown, R. A., and G. B. Pasternack. 2017. Bed and width oscillations form coherent patterns in a partially confined, regulated gravel–cobble-bedded river adjusting to anthropogenic disturbances. Earth Surface Dynamics 5:1-20. DOI:10.5194/esurf-5-1-2017.
Brown, R. A., G. B. Pasternack, and T. Lin. 2016. The topographic design of river channels for form-process linkages. Environmental Management 57(4):929-942. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-015-0648-0.
Brown, R. A., G. B. Pasternack, and W. W. Wallender. 2014. Synthetic river valleys: creating prescribed topography for form-process inquiry and river rehabilitation design. Geomorphology 214:40-55.
Brown, R. A., and G. B. Pasternack. 2014. Hydrologic and topographic variability modulates channel change in mountain rivers. Journal of Hydrology 510:551-564.
Pasternack, G. B., and R. A. Brown. 2013. Ecohydraulic design of riffle-pool relief and morphological-unit geometry in support of regulated gravel-bed river rehabilitation. Pages 337-355 in I. Maddock, A. Harby, P. Kemp, and P. Wood, editors. Ecohydraulics: an integrated approach. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hoboken, New Jersey.
Brown, R. A., and G. B. Pasternack. 2013. Monitoring and assessment of the 2011-2012 gravel/cobble augmentation in the Englebright Dam reach of the Lower Yuba River, CA. Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, University of California at Davis, Davis, California.
Beakes, M., J. Moore, N. Retford, R. A. Brown, J. Merz, and S. Sogard. 2012. Evaluating statistical approaches to quantifying juvenile Chinook salmon habitat in a regulated California river. River Research and Applications 30(2):180-191.
Brown, R. A., and G. B. Pasternack. 2009. Comparison of methods for analyzing salmon habitat rehabilitation designs for regulated rivers. River Research and Applications 25:745-772.