Allen Huynh, B.S.

Laboratory Technician II

B.S. Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology

Phone: (888) 224-1221


West Sacramento, California

Allen is a laboratory technician with a background in California fish and invertebrate identification. He has extensive experience in identifying macroinvertebrates and fish samples collected from the field. Allen has experience identifying threatened larval Longfin Smelt and their prey and working as a deck hand pulling in trawls and identifying brackish water fish. Allen has experience as a laboratory assistant where he identified larval marine invertebrates, sorted fish and invertebrate field samples, and managed a green striped crab zoea aquaculture system. He also identified and tagged rockfish and other California marine fish as a part of a Marine Protected Area study.

Michael Briggs, B.S.

GIS Analyst
B.S. Wildlife Resources
Phone: (888) 224-1221


Boise, Idaho

Michael is a GIS Analyst with experience in spatial analysis model development, small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) operations, and salmonid monitoring. Michael has experience gathering and compiling spatial and remote sensing data from multiple sources and conducting GIS analysis to support watershed assessments, restoration effectiveness monitoring, low-tech process-based restoration (LTPBR) designs, conservation planning, and habitat assessments. He is skilled in creating GIS databases and maps of study areas and analytical results. Michael has experience collecting and compiling both GIS and ecological data in the field. He has summarized, tabulated, and written survey reports. He is a licensed sUAS pilot and has experience piloting missions over the Pacific Northwest’s forests, mountains, rivers, and streams to produce orthomosaic imagery and digital elevation models. He has conducted salmonid carcass and redd surveys, rotary screw trapping, PIT tagging, electrofishing, weir operation, mammalian surveys, and avian surveys. Michael is skilled in the esophageal implantation of acoustic tags and monitoring the migration of O. mykiss and O. tshawytscha using telemetry equipment. Michael previously served as a fisheries technician for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game where he installed and operated a rotary screw trap and several weirs to monitor remote populations of O. mykiss and O. tshawytscha in the Red River and Crooked River. Michael draws from his experience to leverage spatial data for novel approaches to river restoration and assessment.

Mollie Ogaz, M.S.

Fisheries Biologist II
B.S. Environmental Science & Management; M.S. Ecology
Phone: (888) 224-1221


West Sacramento, California

Mollie is a fisheries biologist with extensive experience in fish monitoring and surveying across the Central Valley and northern California, including PIT tagging, backpack electrofishing, and installation and operation of rotary screw traps, fyke traps, and PIT tag antenna arrays. In addition, she has experience in macroinvertebrate and zooplankton collection in freshwater rivers and streams throughout California and collecting field data from rafts and other inflatables. Mollie recently served as the lead field biologist to monitor fish utilization of floodplains in the Central Valley as well as collection of zooplankton and water samples from reservoirs and rivers in the Lake Shasta area of California. Additionally, she oversaw the laboratory processing and analysis of juvenile Chinook Salmon and stomach contents identification for determination of diet and growth in different habitats throughout the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and Estuary. Mollie has experience with numerous technical laboratory methods, including fish tissue dissection, macroinvertebrate identification, and tissue preparation for isotopic analysis. Throughout her fisheries career, Mollie has led backpack electrofishing surveys, rotary screw trapping, beach seining, fyke trapping, gillnetting, and macroinvertebrate and zooplankton collection throughout California. She is an expert at identifying California’s diverse freshwater fishes, as well as being as experienced boat operator in lakes, rivers, and deltas. Mollie also has extensive experience in analyzing fisheries diet and growth data and using linear models to explore migration cues.

Selected Publications


Ogaz, M.H, Rypel, A. L., Moyle, P. B., Lusardi, R. A, and Jeffres, C.A. Should they stay or should they go: Do behavioral cues enable native fishes to exit a California floodplain? [Manuscript submitted for publication].


Sturrock, A.M., Ogaz, M.H., Neal, K., Corline, N.J., Peek, R., Myers, D., Schluep, S., Levinson, M., Johnson, R.C., and Jeffres, C.A. 2022. Floodplain trophic subsidies in a modified river network: Managed foodscapes of the future? [Manuscript submitted for publication].


Ogaz, M.H., Moyle, P.B., Lusardi, R.A., and Rypel, A.L. 2020. Habitat Utilization and Outmigration Dynamics of Fishes on a Restored Floodplain in California’s Central Valley [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of California, Davis.


Jeffres, C.A., Holmes, E., Ogaz, M.H., Saron, G., Tilcok, M, Montgomery, J., and Katz, J. 2017. Fish Food on Floodplain Farm Fields: Report of the 2017 Pilot Year Investigations.

Tyler Rockhill, P.E., M.S.

Restoration Engineer II

B.S. Civil/Environmental Engineering, M.S. Hydrology

Phone: (888) 224-1221

Boise, Idaho

Tyler is a Restoration Engineer with extensive experience in water resources and hydraulic engineering in the Pacific Northwest. His experience includes aquatic habitat restoration design, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, sediment modeling, large wood design, floodplain mapping, geomorphic and habitat assessment, and hydrometric surveying. Tyler’s diverse background includes experience at every step of a project from prioritization and planning to site assessment, literature review, data collection and surveying, modeling and design, permitting, and construction. This experience allows for an interdisciplinary, process-based understanding of project delivery. He has experience developing hydrologic and hydraulic models such as HEC-RAS, SRH-2D, River2D, HEC-HMS, HPSF, MGSFlood, HY-8, SWAT, WMS, SWMM, and StormShed.  He is an experienced jet boat and raft operator in lakes, rivers, and deltas, including for the purposes of topobathymetric and hydrometric surveys. Tyler has experience working on a broad range of river engineering projects such as culvert replacements, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, floodplain mapping, and bank erosion/scour protection.

Selected Publications


Collins, V. and T. Rockhill. 2021. Oso Landslide Memorial Site Hydraulic Analysis, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc, prepared for Snohomish County Parks and Recreation.


Collins, V., Payne, J., Rockhill, T., Nelson, A., Dufficy, A., and M. Ohrt. 2021. Abbott Levee Habitat Improvement Project: 100% Basis of Design Report, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc, prepared for Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District.


Collins, T., Brown, J. and T. Rockhill. 2021. Ferndale Levee Improvement Project Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Geomorphology Existing Conditions Report, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc, prepared for Whatcom County Flood Control Zone District.


Dillon, P., Brooks, P. and T. Rockhill. 2020. Avondale Road Erosion Existing Hydrologic and Hydraulic Conditions, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc, prepared for City of Redmond.


Collins, V., Leytham, M. and T. Rockhill. 2020. Coweeman River Levee Raise Hydrograph Development Memorandum, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc, prepared for Shannon & Wilson.


Bennett, T., Rockhill, T., and D. Jones. 2020. Maddox Creek/Big Ditch Alternatives Evaluation, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Inc, prepared for Skagit County Drainage and Irrigation District #17


Washington State Department of Transportation. 2018. SR 529 Steamboat Slough Mitigation Site.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2017. Wyoming Stream Quantification Tool (WSQT) User Manual and Spreadsheet. Beta Version.


Meixner, T., Papuga S.A., Luketich, A.M., Rockhill, T., Gallo, E.L., Anderson, J., Salgado, L. Pope, K. Gupta, N., Korgaonkar, Y., Guertin, D.P. 2017. Green Infrastructure Increases Biogeochemical Responsiveness, Vegetation Growth and Decreases Runoff in a Semi-Arid City, Tucson, AZ, USA.  American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, abstract #H34H-06.


Tyler Rockhill.  2017. Influence of Soil Physical and Chemical Properties on Soil CO2 Efflux in Semi-Arid Green Stormwater Infrastructure.  Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences. University of Arizona. Master’s Thesis.


Chatel, J., and Vouno, S., 2012 Sawtooth Bull Trout Management Indicator Species Monitoring Report, United States Forest Service