Fisheries Biologist
B.S. Marine Sciences. M.M.A. Marine & Environmental Affairs
Issaquah, Washington
Fisheries Biologist
B.S. Marine Sciences. M.M.A. Marine & Environmental Affairs
Issaquah, Washington
Francesca has experience conducting, analyzing and reporting on habitat restoration, marine subtidal and intertidal ecological monitoring, and vulnerable or endangered species-specific surveys and habitat assessments. She is a trained AAUS scientific SCUBA diver and used this training to record long-term ecological data of invertebrate, algae, and fish species’ distribution and abundance, using a variety of survey techniques. Much of her past work involved marine tidal surveys, species identification, water quality monitoring, microscopic larvae identification, boat and scientific instrument deployment and operation, and eelgrass habitat restoration and monitoring. Francesca’s Master’s involved a vast literature review of global fisheries to identify metrics and indicators from implemented fishery area-based management tools that resulted in positive biodiversity outcomes for ecosystems. Francesca enjoys being out in the field, using R and Excel to answer ecological questions, and applying an environmental policy lens.