Annie Brodsky, B.S.

Project Manager II

B.S. Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity

Phone: (530) 240-6330


Meadow Vista, California

Annie has nearly 10 years of experience working on anadromous and estuarine fishery issues in California. She serves as a CFS biologist and leads planning, supervising, and conducting field projects. Annie has experience in stream habitat mapping and use assessments, evaluating and modeling fish migration and survival, and analyzing aquatic organism and environmental data. She has compiled field-collected data into spatial layers for analysis, visualization, and mapping in GIS to support natural resource research, assessment, and management. Annie has extensive experience with numerous monitoring and sampling methods and equipment; with developing field and laboratory protocols and organizing field research for genetic, monitoring, and biotelemetry studies; and with the identification and handling of sensitive species such as delta smelt, white sturgeon, and Chinook salmon.

Selected Publications



Brodsky, A., Zeug, S.C., Nelson, J. et al. 2020. Does broodstock source affect post-release survival of steelhead? Implications of replacing a non-native hatchery stock for recovery. Environmental Biology of Fishes. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-020-00951-2.


Zeug, S. C., R. Null, A. Brodsky, M. Johnston, and A. J. Ammann. 2019. Effect of release timing on migration survival of juvenile fall run Chinook salmon from Coleman National Fish Hatchery. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Special Edition. In Review.


Abadía-Cardoso, A., A. Brodsky, B. Cavallo, M. Arciniega, J.C. Garza, J. Hannon, and D. Pearse. 2019. Anadromy Redux? Genetic analysis to inform development of an indigenous American River steelhead broodstock. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10(1):137-147.


Zeug, S. C., F. V. Feyrer, A. Brodsky, and J. Melgo. 2017. Piscivore diet response to a collapse in pelagic prey populations. Environmental Biology of Fishes 100(8):947-958.


Brodsky, A., S. C. Zeug, I. Courter, and S. Blankenship. 2016. Alternative broodstock for the Nimbus Hatchery Steelhead Program. Report to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay Delta Office, Sacramento, California.


Zeug, S. C., A. Brodsky, N. Kogut, A. R. Stewart, and J. E. Merz. 2014. Ancient fish and recent invaders: white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) diet response to invasive species-mediated changes in a benthic prey assemblage. Marine Ecology Progress Series 514:163-174.