Griffith Bell, B.S.

Senior Biological Technician

B.S. Oceanography and Environmental Science


Portland, Oregon

Griffith is a biological technician with a wide range of field experiences throughout the Willamette Valley. Since he began his time at Cramer, he has gained extensive experience in fish monitoring techniques such as PIT tagging, gill netting, nearshore sampling, live fish transport, and mark and recapture studies. Griffith has worked in collaboration with government agencies at both the state and federal levels, as well as in conjunction with other private consultants. Growing up in Oregon, Griffith has gained over a decade of local experience boating and navigating the waterways of the Willamette Valley and possesses firsthand knowledge of its native species. Griffith graduated from Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR, with a B.S. in Oceanography and Environmental Science with an option in Aquatic Biology. Most recently, Griffith worked at Cramer Fish Sciences as a field lead, focusing on capturing the behavior and survival of emigrating populations of juvenile spring chinook in reservoirs throughout the Willamette Valley using PIT tags, nearshore traps, gill nets, and limnology profiling.