Kristin Connelly, M.S.

Senior Biologist

B.S. Aquatic & Fishery Science, minor in Quantitative Science; M.S. Environmental Science

Phone: (503) 850-9051


Portland, Oregon

Kristin has over 9 years of experience conducting, analyzing and reporting the results of biological field and laboratory studies in the Pacific Northwest. She has led and supported fisheries trophic ecology and monitoring studies in freshwater and marine environments using a variety of field methods, including gill nets, seines, traps, mid-water trawls, fish marking, electrofishing and hydroacoustic. In addition, she has experience sampling and identifying macroinvertebrates and zooplankton, and has conducted limnological sampling and habitat assessments. Kristin is skilled at gut contents analysis, stable isotope analysis, fish age/growth estimation using aging structures, and boat operation. She has experience analyzing and reporting the results of fisheries food-web and monitoring studies, including bioenergetics modeling and multivariate community analyses. Kristin’s duties include developing field protocols, leading field crews, analyzing biological and spatial data, and report writing.