Pryclynn Kubatka-Campbell, B.S.

Biological Technician
B. S. Biology, Wildlife and Fisheries Science
Phone: (425) 275-9397


Issaquah, Washington

Pryclynn is a biological technician with extensive field experience performing habitat assessments and assessing restoration across Washington and Oregon. She is skilled in a variety of protocols (AEM, CHaMP, and USFS Level II), and survey techniques, including habitat and bathymetry mapping using an RTK GPS, snorkel surveys, macroinvertebrate collection, and longitudinal profile surveys. She also has experience in writing technical reports, SEPA and NEPA Environmental Impact Statements, and Habitat Conservation Plans. At CFS, Pryclynn contributes to multiple projects by performing literature reviews, data collection, QA/QC, data analysis, and mapping in GIS.